“Math Anxiety,” The Floor Above: The Writers’ Mill Journal Volume 9, 2021

“Preparing to Grow Old,” Fine Lines, The Writers Mill, 2018.

“The Richest Hidden Treasure,” The War Cry of the Salvation Army, December 2017.

In The Writers’ Mill Journal Volume 6, 2017: “Mighty Minnie is Missed” and “Remembering Rosanna” (memorial essays).

“Relating to Atheism,” Unexpected Metaphors, a Write Around Portland Anthology, Summer 2007, Volume 9, Number 2.

“A Mother for Jackie,” Oregon Writers Alliance 1996 Anthology, Cedar Bay Press LLC, Tualatin, Oregon. Also published as “A Mother for Paulie” in Sweet Comfort newsletter February-May 2009 (serialized) and Enlarging the Tent (see Desktop Publication).

“Evil and Ignorance in The Magician’s Nephew,” The Lamp-Post of the Southern California C.S. Lewis Society, January 1982.
“Losing Our Religion,” The Floor Above: The Writers’ Mill Journal Volume 9, 2021

“A Dog’s Eye View,” Zeus and Bo and Fred and Joe and Co, The Writers’ Mill, 2016 (also in A Character Sandwich—see under zines).

In The Writers’ Mill Volume 5, 2016: “Kathy with a K”; “The Happy Stepsister?” (read on Writing Samples page,; “Old Flame”; “Too Familiar for Comfort” (read on Robin Layne’s Goodreads author page, ; “Changing Planes”; “Easy Come, Easy Go”; “Leper Deborah.”

“Yet a Mother,” Pointed Circle 25, Literary Journal of Portland Community College Cascade Campus, Portland, Oregon, 2009 (also in Enlarging the Tent—see Desktop Publication).

“The Princess and the Coal Boy,” Oregon Writers Alliance 1996 Anthology, Cedar Bay Press LLC, Tualatin, Oregon.

“The Hearth Dragon’s Tale,” The Lamp-Post of the Southern California C.S. Lewis Society, Summer 1997.

In The Floor Above: The Writers’ Mill Journal Volume 9: “The Deserted House” and “From the Valley of the Smoke”

“Silver Pen” (a sonnet), Beyond Yesterday: The Writers’ Mill Journal Volume 7, 2019. Read here.

“My Peacock,” The Writers’ Mill Journal Volume 6, 2017 (also in Oregon Writers Alliance 1996 Anthology, Cedar Bay Press LLC, Tualatin, Oregon).

Image: “Peacock,” by Bonnie Shulman. License
In The Writers’ Mill Volume 5, 2016: “Oregon Books and Dust,” (also in The News Guard, Lincoln City, Oregon, circa 1983). “Peaking.” “Cherith” (Also in Enlarging the Tent (see under Desktop Publication). “If Jesus Showed Up at My Door.” “Passion Suite” (a 7-poem set). “Thunder.” “A Certain Kind of Brilliance” (also in The News Guard with one stanza left out, circa 1983). “Instead.” “The Night-Blooming Cereus.” “Eros at My Window” (also in Medley of Fiction: An Anthology, Authors by Design, 2008, Westmorland Publishing). “The Rain” (also in Enlarging the Tent—see under Desktop Publication—and The News-Guard, Lincoln City, Oregon, circa 1983.

“Ouch!” Oregon Writers Alliance 1996 Anthology. Cedar Bay Press LLC, Tualatin, Oregon.

“Opening Thought.” Insight magazine, October 1985.

“Tumnus” and “Aslan,” The Chronicle of the Portland C.S. Lewis Society, [April-June 1984]; both also in Sweet Comfort February 2006 (see under Newsletter); “Aslan” also in The Lamp-Post of the Southern California C.S. Lewis Society, circa 1979.

Image: “Barbary Lion,” by Nicki. License
“Shore” and “Breaking” (2 haiku together), The News-Guard, Lincoln City, Oregon, circa 1983.

Zines (DIY booklets):
Turtle Soup: On Finding My Voice, Issue 1, July 2015: Nonfiction and poetry about recovering from abuse and finding one’s unique voice.

Turtle Soup: On Finding My Voice, Issue 2, July 2018: Recovery continues with the realization that turtles do have voices.

Turtle Soup: On Finding My Voice, Issue 3, July 2019: So many ways to spread one’s voice!

Faithful… the printed zine to accompany the music CD. (See under Music and Lyrics.)
A Character Sandwich, spring 2009. Short fiction and nonfiction, mostly self-illustrated.

Contributed to the following: 2 nonfiction articles in Kitchen Table Therapy, anthology created at a Portland Zine Symposium. “Stuck” and “Kid Power” (flash fiction), Repeat Offenders, anthology of members of a Write Around Portland Seasoned Writers group, September 2008.

Music and Lyrics:
“Me and My Shadow” (lyrics), The Writers’ Mill Journal Volume 6, 2017. Also on the CD and zine combo “Faithful” (see below).

Image “Peter Pan,” by Rich Bowen. License
Faithful, CD of original songs played on guitar and sung, summer 2016; accompanied by zine containing lyrics and notes about the songs.

Wrote and helped direct portions of three Well Arts theatrical productions: What’s Important Is the Story (April 2012), A Wall Is a Road (March 2013), and I Wander, It Calls (November 2013), in the Portland, Oregon, area. Included short dramas, both fiction and nonfiction, and poetry.

Image: “Masks,” by Rain Love AMR. License
Desktop Publication:
Enlarging the Tent: Poetry and Prose by Robin Layne (book benefiting Good Samaritan Ministries) 2000 and 2011.

Image: “Africa,” by Erik. License]
Newsletters and Newspapers:
Sweet Comfort, monthly newsletter of the Washington County Consumer Council, June 2005-October 2010. Wrote Notes from the Editor (column, April-October 2010), many articles, poems, and short nonfiction pieces.

“The Great Transformation” (comic), The Gilmore Gazette, Newport, Oregon, circa 1987.

Several articles in The News-Guard, Lincoln City, Oregon, circa 1983.

Image: “2017 Lincoln City Kite Festival,” by Kirt Edblom. License:
Many articles as staff reporter for el Don newspaper, Santa Ana College, Santa Ana, California, 1978-1979 (see Awards page).

Image: “Orange County,” by Sergei Gussev. License
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